Category: Softwares

The difference between Client Side and Server Side 0

The Difference between Server Side and Client Side Explained

Anytime wondered about the difference between Server Side and Client Side? Both the terms have a good recognition in tech industry. But when newbies hear that words, they may end up being confused. In this article, I’m gonna introduce you to the Pros and Cons of Server Side Scripting and Client Side Scripting with a video to figure out exact difference in it with some examples. Saying again, you’ll know The Difference between Server Side and Client Side Scripting!

Change Xampp Server Ports 0

How to change the Xampp Server Ports (MySQL and Apache)

When we talk about a localhost, the first thing that strikes is Xampp. This software has enabled the doors of Apache and MySQL for every developer on a personal computer. While doing these Localhost works, there occurs many problems. One of the problem is that ‘Apache default port 80 doesn’t work!’. This problem arises because some other function eats up the port 80. Therefore, you need another. For that, changing the default ports become necessary.

WhatsApp Hacking Tool Revealed 1

WhatsApp Hacking Tools? Revealed!

WhatsApp spy! WhatsApp Hack online! WhatsApp Hacking Tool! WhatsApp hack for Android! Hack WhatApp account using Phone Number! are the searches which are thrown over to Google and YouTube million times a month. Did you got at least something after searching so much? Probably, If you don’t believe in magics, you should also not believe on WhatsApp hacking Tool.

MyTherapy App - Health App 0

MyTherapy: a health app for enhancing health digitally

Technology is everywhere. Our maximum utilization of technology every day is done through our smartphone. New applications have flooded our tech-savvy generation, but have we ever paused and think about the other best utility of the same phone. This same smartphone can also be our protector of health through a simple yet powerful health app.