Hello World! This is Kumar from IQubex to tell you how I started my own blog and how is it running today. This blog was launched on 20th February 2016. With nothing in hand at all, I managed to host the website with informations without any CMS. Then, What did I actually used? Back in 2016, I had a knowledge of HTML and CSS… Just considering the same, I made that website with no dynamic values. That website was completely static.
Get connected…
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/IQubex
Official Twitter Handle: https://www.twitter.com/kumar_abhirup
Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/IQubex
IQubex got its MakeOver.
Yes, on 16th October 2016, I went to my first Wordcamp. There, I learnt the Power of WordPress and then simply implied it on my blog. How? By deleting all the HTML/CSS files I had before and started WordPress Website from scratch.
Here at this blog, I will be sharing all my knowledge and will also allow the community to write their knowledge! Today, when I’m writing this about page, is December 19 2017. Almost 2 years have been passed away and I just completed writing 50 Blog Posts because I had to give my school some time. Then, yesterday, I decided to write this website again due to some problem and I again renewed IQubex. Right now you may see less posts because this blog is under renewation.
Till today, IQubex has been getting ample of views and thousands of subscribers to the email list. Thanks a lot to the community to offer that stats.
I, Kumar Abhirup…
Pledge to share my knowledge with you, throughtout my life. 🙂
Connect with me on,
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krish.abhirup
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kumar_abhirup
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/IQubex
Small About Page… Right?
Yeah, I don’t write abouts, but I write articles though. LOL